Tuesday, July 7, 2009

yeah,i'm in the middle

korang penah tgk x 'malcolm in the middle'??
x, xde kaitan ngan aq. but theme post kali ni is about being stuck in the middle!

aq kat tengah2!!
malcolm in the middle tu just metaphor je.

last week was.....
how should i put it?
tengah-tengah la.

happy monday,
black tuesday di mane banjir melande an unknown country,
wednesday..... er?
holy thursday, where I got things sorted out,
friday, yaaay! but, um, huh?
saturday.I adopted a very fluffy dog.
sunday, cipan. cipan. cipan. cipan.cipan. cipan. but what should i do?

see what I mean?
manusia normal biasenye akan kematian neuron otak bile 1001 perasaan bercampur baur.

new chapter:
membela fluffy dog.
-mengpa fluffy dog susah dibela?
sbb.... high maintanence kot.
but i luv dat doggy. tpi susah nak jage.
how then?
it's so adorable, sometimes rase mcm 'waa~ comelnye....!!!"
tpi sometimes mcm, " isy! ssh btul nk jage."
God, bagi la aq kesabaran. Because it's not the doggy's fault I sometimes detest it so much.



HuDaChAn said...

huh...fluffy dog???

Song said...

wahhh....sekarang tambah satu lagi 'pet'! How's Marco?

dundeepurple said...

pet pe plk deh