Thursday, June 10, 2010

blah laa :P

Ini bukan hiatus.
Blog ni xkan digunekan lagi kerane dy sudah menjadi x bergune.
Make saye berhijrah ke sesuatu yg akan digunekan lagi lebih bergune.

Kepade kawan2 yg bergune, korang tawu nk carik aq kat mane! ^^

Sekian terime kaseh~~~! :D

Thursday, June 3, 2010

first impressions

Last post was about my friend who finally got her the fairytale happy ending. Or rather, the beginning? I certainly hope so. If only I were there right in front of her when she told me about it. I could've danced all night. (Yes, I am quoting song from My Fair Lady). This post would be so much more about me I guess?

I've changed the layout of this blog (somewhat) because I thought it would be nice to change. You know, new chapter in life and all... As always, I struggled to come up with a new title for this blog. I wanted to change the name to something that isn't trying to hard to look artsy and shit, but rather just be and let the title speaks for itself. Letting the title, summarise the whole identity of the owner of this blog. But after 30 minutes and still nada that's inspiring and original I thought, well, heck, I'll just plagiarise something. A quote from a song, or maybe I'll just take a title of a song. Anything at all would be fine. And then there was The Strokes. Their album First Impressions of Earth hovers in front of my eyes on my laptop screen and something like a light bulb lights up inside my head. I thought, yeah. First impressions.

First impressions, because when you meet someone for the first time, it's all about first impressions.
It's important because it kinda dictates who you are to this person, and if you screw your first impression to other people, well then you're screwed. I've read Pride and Prejudice waaaay too many times, and I'll tell you fellas, that shit is true. Jane Austen is a genius. Relationship between human beings should be simple and easy, but Janey nailed it in her books.
What happens after the first impression though, depends.
Perceptions can change. It's not a constant, it's a variable.
Over time you'll realise how wrong you can be, or in certain cases, how right you are.
The story of my life is, people have waaayy too many distorted first impressions on me. Sometimes too negative, sometimes too positive. Why it just be something in the middle?
The first impression, would always be:

A) I'm too happy, too cheerful, too optimistic, too friendly, too talkative, too chirpy


B) too snobbish, very bitchy, very selfish, very un-Malay, very bajet

I'm too TIRED too think anymore.


Human beings, have depth. We have complexities. We have layers and layers and layer and layers of untangible things inside. We can't describe ourselves in one word, or ten words.
Cheerful, gedik, emo, diva, pretty, ugly, bad, good, nice, kind, shy, extroverted, talkative, slim, fat, anorexic, obnoxious, funny, friendly, bitchy, smart, stupid, optimistic, pessimistic

Why can't we stop putting labels on other people? even I do it.
everybody does it.
I can't stop myself or others to stop doing it. but I guess i'm hoping for someone to be able to acknowledge that I am all of that.
We are not, one word.
We are not, one thing only.
We are not, without depth and complexities.
We are not, simple.
I am not what you think I am. You may be partially right, but you can't be completely right about someone.
You see the moon on the sky every night. But you only see one side of it.
What about the other side?
No one has seen it. It could be beautiful. It could be so ugly.
You don't know.
But at least accept that there is this other surface.


wow, for so long I have not written something in fear of being judged.
for so long I have not written something in fear of slighting someone.
I am feeling a little morose and screaming screw the world at the moment.
ha. fuckin ha.

now go away and let me cry in silence dammit.

do the sweet thing

I want to
dance in the rain because I'm happy for you
run across a green field with my face turned towards sky heaven
never ever want to stop smiling because
I'm happy for you
You know when something good happens to someone close to you, and although it doesn't happen to you but you feel so so so glad and happy because you know how happy that other person is? I want to scream in glee and hug you and kiss you and shout so the whole world can hear, "See?"
Send another roses, make the girl happy
call at midnight, she'll sleep with a smile on her face
and in her sleep she'll dream of you
when she wakes up, she'll search for your face in the morning
talk to her, she misses your voice
oh stranger, if only you knew how much she loves you
do the sweet thing because in everything you do
she'll know you love her too

Please please please say you do
because i hope you do
