Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Jump. Just jump.

Wow. I've just unlocked the secret to not feeling that stressed out when getting back exam results. Guess I'll share it here because miraculously, I do not feel so bad getting my results back. Well, they're not good. Seriously. I'm not joking. And, no, it's not because I went on some meditation or anything.

It's simple.....

Don't expect too much from things.
Especially if inside your heart, you know you could've done better. When the time is up and I look up to see my lecturer who is collecting my paper make their boogy eyes at me and say, a tight-lipped "Time's up!".
When I leave my table and step outside of the hell hall and deep inside, I know....

This is no good.

And when I get back my paper. Guess what? It isn't good. But it's not exactly the surprise of the century. Don't get me wrong peeps. I've worked hard for this mid-term. But my gut feelings told me this, You know nad..... This is not enough.

Heck,yeah I know that.

Based from my past experience, if I think I've done enough, it usually is. That was why I felt satisfied. I felt.. adequate. I deserved what I worked so hard for. Or less if it is. I won't complain anymore. If it's bad, it's not bad karma. I'm just not doing enough.

I want more.

This is one beeyotch attitude I've got. I don't mind losing to anyone else.
It just kills me if I lose to mysef is all.

I won't lose to myself. I won't let me get me.


Song said...

It's not late yet to put in more effort. We can DO IT!!
Go! Archi Class!

miss eLyA =) said...

oh honey. i've learned LOONG not to expect much from anything. well in this case,in ur results. yelah tawu2 mase wat tu tak tawu sepatah haram,of course la u jgn expect dpt A lak kan. gitu lah. but u know,i think i dah terpesong skit. TERLALU tak expect. so i kinda,let go.

thats bad... dont follow me.. hoho

muah muah love u honey