Saturday, February 28, 2009

you scare me, i scare myself too.

sometimes the people that surround me scare me.
it's the way they remain focused almost all the time,
how ambitious they are,
borned winners who have never fallen from grace,
not knowing what REAL failure smells or feel like.
intimidating, yes that's what they are. =p
i once had a telephone conversation with my friend;
"hai2~~ eh, u dah dapat ur result right?"
"haaa.. dah2!"
"ok x???"
"ok, ok! dapat 8!"
"er.. 8 tu bagus ke x?"
"um... out of 9. ok kot!"
"ciss!!! ok gile kot!!!! cool!! gile lah!"
"haha.. x la.. ade yang dpt 8.5! tu lagi gile!"
"habes tu kau nak dapat 9 laa?" (annoyed)
a normal peopple would have said 8 out of 9 is good right???
only un-normal people would say, "cissss, aq dapat 8 je out of 9?????
knape bukan full marks????"
serabut, serabut....
i was reminded of what mr. al said in class:
"strive only for the best! what distinguish you from other people is that others would be grateful if they at least only passed the paper.
but u guys, noooo.... you get 99% and you would be questioning the lecturer for the other 1%. Asking, 'why didn't i get 100%????'"
now, hearing that in the lecture hall was hilarious.
i was never one to question what i get in exams.
if i get high marks, i'd be saying,
"cool! i've worked my ass off for this!"
if the marks are not so good,
"damn! stupid stupid stupid~!!! idiot!! mangkuk hayun!"
"sape suruh x study???! amek ubatttt...... padan muke sendiri. "
*menghantuk kepale di meja*
now, being here i see something most unlike anything i have ever seen.
x sangke ape yang mr al ckap mmg btul.
surprise, surprise....!
sometimes i get like that too.
i have high expectations on things...
and things didnt turn out to be what we want.. but by normal standard, it's not that bad!
bukan nak bersyukur... kan?
teruknye! istighfar~
looking on the bright side though,
i think this trait brought us all here.
we could never settle for anything less.
that's why we strive only for the best!
ambition ammunition!
berpade2 jugak la..
jgn lupe untuk sentiase kembali pade-NYA.
kite kan, cume hambanya yang lemah.
kite bergantung padanye.
kite meminta pertolongan padenye.
dan ape yg kite dapat kan rezeki yang diberi olehnye? kan??
okay peeps!
study hard and smart k!


Matluthfi90 said...

n if i get 100
as much as the others
i'll b thoroughly searchin
for any small tiny microscpic mistake
on thier papers
so that they will penalised
marks deducted
below than what they used to be
while I'm still a perfect-scorer

pulon la sangt kan ^^!

.::annemishi::. said...


| c o r v u s | said...

ni lah bende paling aku benci time2 kuar result

yg x leh tahan tu smpi compare ngan org lain

kalo aku,
lepaih amik result jer terus blah
x de mase nak compare2 ngan org lain
