Friday, January 30, 2009


i am immature.

but i am willing to learn and correct my ways

for i am not perfect

and no one can ever be, because perfection is reserved for the One and only One.

i dare not dream to achieve perfection

this is merely a reflection.

but it shames me to look into the mirror

and see how small a creature i am,

and the mistakes i have made.

i can never undo what has been done,

and time is relentless; it refuses to rewind for the sake of wishes made by human.


if i never made those mistakes,

how will i ever learn?

to mend a broken glass, the glass had to be broken first

how can i ever correct my mistakes, if they had never been made?

i understand this

and i am readily moving towards acceptance

that i can never be perfect

but i can always be a better person.

this is why i think i am ready to forgive myself

then, perhaps i can forgive you.

you and i both are imperfection made, not to be mocked by anyone

it is to leave room for improvement.

and maybe finally

with a smile i can say to you,

"our imperfection is perfect for us."

we are perfect just the way God made us.

it is not at all confusing,

imperfection, in itself, is perfect.

Because it serves its purpose of making us who we really are


As the almighty made it.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

recent stuff i like

this is sort of like some stuff i've read
or watched for the past few weeks...

what a price to pay for a not-so-thick book!

mind boggling..hmm..

this started a hamster-craze in me!!
how can i forget?? Rhino the hamster!!

Rhino the hamster! *evil laugh*

ahah! yes!! hugh jackman hugh jackman hugh jackman~

the orphanage. scary dowh!

i love this book and hate it at the same time because it's so upsetting.

and of course!!

physics 7th edition by cutnell &johnson.........

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

beranikah anda menghadapi...?

berpeluh2 melihatnya....

dengan langkah yang terketar2,

aku menuju ke arahnya,

sekian lama aku tidak bertemu dengan mu......

kini, takdir menemukan kite kembali...

aq berhenti di hadapan mu.

aq menundukkan kepala ku.

aq manarik nafas panjang..............

hanya satu lagi langkah.

kamu begitu dekat dengan diriku

satu sahaje langkah


dan bile ku mejejakkan kaki ku,


menjadi due






tetapi kamu tetap meneruskan.....



aq tidak dapat mempercayai mataku!

ini dusta semata2!!!!!

kali terakhir aq melihat kamu,

kamu berangka EMPAT



Thursday, January 22, 2009

keperluan optimism!!

hari ni dalam kelas....


tapi aq kne melihat hikmah di sebaleknye,

homework tu kan, ntuk kebaekan kite sndiri~ it's for our own good!

esoknya pulak,

test economics,

soklan dy dari pandangan kaca mate aq kelihatan camni:



tapi, goreng punye goreng,

penuh jugak laa paper economics aq tu 2 m/s. ( wpun penuh dgn repekan yg x berasas)


balek rumah, goreng nugget je, tu la dinner aq....

sedih, sebab makan x puas,

tapi tetap bersyukur!! (kek batik, kek batik...kek ade kat dlm fridge)

selepas tu,

bwat soklan matematik~~~

allah! mende laa soklan nii!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~~~~~~ (style vitas)

aq sedih sebab tidak sehebat orang laen dlm bab kire-mengire

tapi aq ade kelebihan aq sendiri,

jadi, matematik tu, salah satu kelemahan je berbanding nikmat2 dan kelebihan laen yg dikurniakan kat aq!!! :)

lepas tu,

otak aq merewang2,

pastu, mule laa rase ragu2, penuh debaran dan ketakutan

" aq ni... agaknye, boley ke fly ke aussie jugak? aq ni... boley ke jadi terer2 cam orang laen jugak? fizik??? chem??? eald?? econ?? math??!!! ARGh!!!!"


kite perlu OPTIMISTIK!!!


ade satu pepatah mengatekan,

it's not what the situation makes you do, it's what you make out of the situation.


x kire laa cabaran ape yg kite hadapi kat dunie ni,

ape reaksi kite terhadap situasi tu dan ape yg kite buat setelah tu laa yang paling penting,

aq tak nak tunduk kepada situasi yg melemahkan aq,

aq tak nak kalah pade orang2 laen yang terer2,

aq tak nak mengalah camtu je,

walau camne buruk pon keadaan tu,

the grass is always greener on the other side!

aq lagi suke happy go lucky je~

orang cakap,

aq ni sbenarnye, byk bertuah,

tapi aq pulak rase,

bukan tuah je yang bantu aq,

Tuhan lagi banyak tolong aq,

dan aq pon work hard ntuk me-maintain-kan ketabahan aq time2 kekalutan emosi

kalau anda rase jadi optimistik tu susah,


pessisimistik lagi 100x gande susahnye,

marilah kite berfikiran positif,

hopefully the might and merciful God will help us,

bile kite optimistik,

kite menolong diri kite sendiri...


bile kite menolong diri kite sendiri,

in the end, semuanya akan jadi OK.

tu je aq nak cakap.....

maafla kalaw aq melalut2 dalam nii


lepas nii,

korang jadi laa macam aq :PP

klaw terjatuh di khalayak ramai,

ketawe pastu sengih je laa :D

sebab, graviti tu, mmg satu fenomena yang x dapat dielakkan.. hahaha~


kalaw korang termasuk kelas lambat

dan cikgu korang 'ter' sarcartic dgn korang,

senyum jugak laa

sekureng2nye, korang x kene denda ngan dy :P


kalaw kene marah ngan mne2 lecturer,


dy pun manusia jugak

manusia, xde sape yang perfect

(sape yang ingat dy tu bagos sgt, mr or miss PERFECt, ko tumbuk je muke dy. x sedar diri. piraaahhhhhh!!!)

dan jike korang telah bertemu dgn orang yg telah saketkan hati korang secare sengaje,

atau berjumpe dgn orang yg 'PELIK2' kat dunie ni,

korang kne laa ingat,

dunie nii, kan macam2 orang

redha je laa

(ntah2 KO tu yg pelik sbnarnye!!! cermin diri sndiri dulu!!!)

dah :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

when will i see your face again?

see the pictures on my wall

and it really makes me wonder

when will i see your face again..?

why have we become the 'strangers' that we promised ain't gonna happen to both u and i

ahh, school days...

how i miss 'em.

sasi, sarah, hui hui, and simren,

i miss debating on such silly stuff like about the weather in London and the cows in India and talking about the economics in Japan with u guys in one of the many millions dull and coma-inducing classes...

i miss the banterings i always had with simren

i miss making constipated facial expressions with Sasi

i miss getting nervous whenever Sarah started to voice her strong opinions on certain matters

i miss going ga-ga over some ridiculously gorgeous-hellow,hotness alert!!-japanese actors with Nad, Liang na, Ain and Kamala...... (i still haven't watched 'No buta wa produce')

I miss Hjh Fatimah with her colour-coordinate ness

I miss skipping classes.

but most of all i miss you





Where have you gone to??

I'm sorry that i did not call you.......

but the telephone work both ways, dear.

How come none of my messages are replied?

No news???



I'll be waiting here, ya?

*staring at the phone*


this is most definitely sick and pathetic

man, i HATE long distances whatever!!!!!


i want yayang and ikram and nadiah right here......... 1__1

Friday, January 9, 2009

19 years of self-searching

year 2009.

everyone has their own demons and insecurities.
well, i am not exempted from those too.

i am a person, in a journey of finding my true self.
sometimes i wish i could be someone else, a better person.
i wish i was smarter, i wish i was more talented.
i wish i could carry better conversation,
but sometimes i wish to have a quieter demeanor.
how i wish i was courageous enough to speak up my mind whenever and wherever,
only to wish i had better kept my opinion to myself later.
i wish i was more ladylike, but i had always been envious of boys for they are not restricted by propriety as much as girls are.
i also wish i was stronger and wiser.
but then i realise something..
we humans are never satisfied and grateful for what we have.
we always seek to be more special, more of something of anything and everything.
even if we have had everything in the world, we would have nothing if we were uncapable of loving ourselves.
i realise that acceptance and love is more important above all else.
"I decided long ago,
never to walk in anyone's shadow,
if i failed, if i succeed,
at least i'll live as i believe,
and no matter what they take away from me
they can't take away my dignity
Because the greatest love of all is happening to me."
"I've found the greatest love of all inside of me,
The greatest love of all is easy to achieve,
Learning to love yourself, is the greatest love of all.."
Funny how a lonely day can make a person say:
What good is my life?
Funny how a breaking heart, can make me start to say:
What good is my life?
Funny how i often seem,to think i'll never found another dream
In my life
Till i look around and see, this great big world is a part of me
And my life
This is my life
Today,tomorrow,love will come and find me
But that's the way that i was born to be
This is me
This is me
This is my life
I don't give a damn for lost emotions
I've such a lot of love to give
Let me live
Let me live
Sometimes when i feel afraid
I think of all the mess i've made
Of my life
Crying over my mistakes, forgetting all the breaks i've had
In my life
I was put on earth to be, a part of this great world is me
And my life
Guess i'll just add up the score
and count the things I'm grateful for
In my life
Today,tommorow, love will come and find me
But that's the way that i was born to be
This is me
This is me
~shirley bassey~

Friday, January 2, 2009

band local

masuk new year ni, rmai yg menge-post-kan new year's resolution.
aq juge x laen dan x asing, akan meng-post-kan this year's resolutions... eventhough the success rate of them to ever be realised is next to impossible...
hey, but ape salahnye mencube kan?
but today's post will not be about what i hope to achieve this year...
that will come in the next post,we'll c how it goes..

i would like to tell you about what i have discovered about local bands nowadays.

to tell you the truth, i was never really a big fan of local artists.
with the exception of a few artists like ella,m.nasir,innuendo,OAG and spider and a few others...
i'm ashamed to admit this, and i know some may look down on me or 'pandang senget' or 'look zig-zag' at me for having known this shameful fact about myself....

hey, i loooove p.ramlee and saloma and alley cat.
totally have a collection of their Cd's in my mom's car.
it's not as if i'm totally against local music or local artists.
it's more like...i have your parents' taste in regards of local music. that's all.

but anyways, i know this cannot justify my act of not really listening to local songs all these years with the exception of those mentioned above.

give me a chance to redeem myself

i think i'm beginning to like local bands.

it all started when my brother downloaded one whole 1,2,3,GO album of Hujan in 2007.
he told me to listen to it, and yeah,
i fell in love with it.
i love Hujan, i really do~

and then in 2008,
azreen told me to listen to estrella.


i have always loved indie rock band.
i just never thought that an indie local band
could sound not half as bad as all the other brit indie rock band
like Franz Ferdinand, The White Stripes,Arctic Monkeys,The Strokes, etc etc..

my latest obsession now
is going to myspace music
and checking out all the not-quite-likely-to-be-heard-of-many-people bands in malaysia.


for some reason, i cannot find RADIOSTAR anywhere.
the only two songs of theirs i have in my handphone are only because ikram gave it to me.
it seems this girl who used to be the lead singer in his band is now going big, and collaborated with one of the singers in innuendo who decided to form his own band called,the name mentioned above.
anyways, i'm sure a year or two from now their songs will be played in all the local stations. good luck u guys~ make us proud of local bands.
i wish the best for you...^^

this is more like it.
i am now so proud of our local bands because they, too, can be just as good as Brit bands and american bands.
Pop Shuvit is sooo famous in Japan, i think more so than in Malaysia.
and in my opinion, that's very very good.
our local bands are going international but i think what's more important is that we support them too.
you think Linkin Park got filthy famous without trying?
they too, were just some unheard of whats-its-name underground band until they finally landed a mega record deal and released a kick-ass album after a few trying years.

well, nuff rumblings for now.
but, you know, like what the ad in said,

"Come support our local band~"

Thursday, January 1, 2009

jawapannye ialah....

kepada semua candidate yg telah berusaha dgn sgt kuat serta bertungkus lumus, berpeluh2 ntuk menjawab soklan yg telah disediakan di post seblum nii...

inilah mase yg telah ditunggu2 dan dinanti2kan^^


1. beruk ape berwarne hijau?

BROCCOLI laa.....

cube pronounce btul2
telah termaktub dlm dictionary Oxford edisi ke-133
begitulah caranye disebut~

bagi mreka2 yg memberi jwpan
the grinch, atau beruk yg kene simbah dgn cat hijau
mahupun james brooke,
0.00001 markah diberikan kpd anda...

2. burung ape yg paling baik?

yang ni ramai yg dapat betul~
TAHNIAH, jawapannye memang:


nak tau knape?????
sebab burung tu, 'bela atuk'...
sangat mulia hati burung tersebut
sebab zaman sekarang ni,
anak2 orang tua tu pun x sudi nak menjage..
semuanye hantar orang tua mreka ke rumah orang tua2

my friend, jadilah seperti burung belatuk yg berhati mulia ni.. ^^

3. ikan ape yg berbulu?

CONGRATZ skali lagi kepade mud,
kerana the answer is...


tiada ikan di dunia ni yg mempunyai bulu,
melainkan taukeh jual ikan tersebut.....
abes tu, xkan laa taukeh tu bersisik plak kan??
lariii la customer nanti~~ ahaha, btol x??^^

jadi, kamu semua dah tau score jawapan masing2????


p/s: tahniah kepade mud yang berjaye mendapat band 8.5 dlm peperiksaan teka-teki ni...

p.p/s: kepade mreka yg gagal, jgn bersedih.. hidup ni, bukanlah bermatlamat mengumpul markah yg bagos untuk peperiksaan shaje. sebaleknye, pengalaman tu lebih penting dan bernilai daripade bende2 yg laen. gagal menjawab x bererti kamu kurang pandai drpd yg laen, atau tidak bernaseb baek. mungkin ianya satu dugaan yg membawe kepada hikmah yg lebiyh bermakna. yg penting, DON'T GIVE UP~ :D

p.p.p/s: kalaw ade sesape yg tidak berpuas hati dgn jawapn yg diberikan......
lantak korang lah~ hihihi~