Thursday, December 11, 2008

endearing nicknames.

natto. nad. nad-chan. ifa. godzilla. nenek. nanny. mowgli. cicak. lidi. misao-chan.

semua ni name gelaran aq kot? since kecik, ade je name yg org bgi kat aq. kekadang name tu aq create sendiri.^^

ok, so natto, nad and nad-chan bukan laa name yang pelik sangat right? tapi yang laen2 tu..... ????????

O________O godzilla?? mowgli? cicak?? what the...???

begini laa cite dy...
when i was a little girl, all young and innocent, (betul.. x tipu...) i was very very kurus. seriously. x tipu. kurus mcm bdak2 kat africa yang kekurangan nutrisi tu. yes, that was me. (EXCEPT that i was not buncit, ok.) (dan kulitku x gelap..)
it's not like i didn't eat much. believe me, i ate A LOT. but somehow, because i have a condition of being
too hyperactive, melompat2 mcm beruk yang x reti dudok diam, all those carbs and calories just burnt away~~ (alangkah bahagienye kalau aq macam tu skarang) *sigh*

hence, the nickname cicak....

but why cicak?????? arghhh~~
ask my cousin,raman, since he was the one who dubbed me with this lizardy name.
he said, quote,

"seriously, you look like a cicak. and when you walk around with your shorts and that mopey black hair of yours, you look like MOWGLI."

MOWGLI???????? from freakin' junglebook??

okay, i'd soo much rather be baloo. at least he's cute and he is such a dearie bear.
i'm not a a jungle boy! i'm not!

can u imagine, me, a 6-year old girl being called mowgli, the puny-mopey-blackhair-boy-who-prances-around-the-jungle-with-nothing-on-except-for-a-pair-of-shorts-and-make-friends-with-a-bear-and-a-jaguar????
every little girl has a dream of being a princess in Disneyland, but my cousin just had to go and trample all over that dream of mine!

dalam 2 tahun yg lepas pulak, he said, i have an uncanny resemblance with misao-chan,
as in the noisy, annoying girl in samurai X.
i was 16, for god's sake....
(takpe la.. sekureng-kurengnye, dapat juge aq bersame dgn aoshi-sama~~)

abang aq pulak laen cerite....
apparently, i was a godzilla, and when i whine, i sounded like fran-the-nanny.
semuanye bermule dgn kehadiran cikgu tae kwan do aq. (mr. tan, i still remember u).
ketike itu, aq hanyelah sorang budak yang berumur 7 tahun..
dan ketike itu jugelah, setiap kali mr. tan memanggil name aq kat dalam kelas tu, dy akan memanggil,


xkan laa aq nak bwat2 x paham plak. da memang dy panggil name aq. aq menyedari yang name aq mmg agak sukar untuk di-pronounce. na-dhi-rah. na-dhi-rah.
aq give up.
ketike tu jugak la, ikram bagitau aq, "NAJILA? hm... bunyi cam Godzilla je?"
AND then he laughed maniacally.

dan kebetulan pule, suare aq mmg sengau pade ketika itu. dan series 'The Nanny' plak mase tu tgh sangat famous... maka, aq pun jadi la
godzilla+the nanny


"who's your nanny????"

it's not a hard equation......

so people, my name is Nadhirah 'afiah. u may call me natto or nad please. thank you. :)


Liyana said...

nad!!!ak rse ak nak pggil kau cicak la....
cicakwoman..baru leh ganding ngan suparman....kalu pggil godzilla nnti ko kne lwan ngan suparman lak..tak pun ultraman..hooooooooo~

natto said...

to yeanna:
hahah.. no,no,no my dear. zaman2 cicak ku dah berakhir. :D
cicakwoman??? cam x comeyl je? x seswai r ngan suparman... :P