Section A
Read the following questions and answer in the given answer space under the title 'post comment'.
You will be given 15 minutes to answer these questions. Transfer your answers into the answer space. No extra time will be given for you to transfer your answers.
You will be given 15 minutes to answer these questions. Transfer your answers into the answer space. No extra time will be given for you to transfer your answers.
sape rase dy pandai, a real genius, marvelous prodigy, kook-a-brain!,
sile jawab.......... heheh..
soklan2 ni pernah ditanye pade putera indera kayangan, tp unfair laa kalaw orang laen x diberi peluang ntuk menjawab soklan2 ni... ^^
soalan 1 :
beruk apekah yang berwarne hijau?
soalan 2 :
burung apakah yang paling baek?
soalan 3 :
ikan ape yang berbulu?
to all candidates who attempted to answer these questions,
the answer will be released 7 days after this post is delivered.
please contact 60377273200.
p/s: and don't worry, i will not be going on a holiday, neither will i be in a meeting when you try to reach me. thank you.